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Handmade Ceramic Cup

Summer Course
Signups are Open!

Summer Wheel Course

potter at wheel

In-Depth Learning Experience

Our wheel throwing courses are kept at a 6:1 student to teacher ratio, ensuring that everyone receives personalized instruction to accelerate their learning.

See Your Progress

Our courses offer the opportunity to refine your skills over a span of weeks, with direction from an experienced and consistent instructor.

Keep Two Finished Pieces

Access our variety of tools & glazes to make each piece your own. At the end of each course, you can glaze and fire two pieces to take home with you, with the option to keep additional pieces for $15 each.

Open Studio Time

Gain exclusive access to our members-only open studio calendar for an additional throwing session each week (Monday through Thursday) plus 25 lbs of total practice clay.


Q: Do I need clay experience?

A: No experience is required for our beginner class! In the intermediate class, you'll be expected to know everything that was covered in our beginner class (throwing small, trimming, glazing, kiln operation).

Q: What will we make?

A: You are encouraged to use your creativity to set your own goals for what you'd like to create. We will guide you with goals to set benchmarks for your progress.

Q: Where are you?

A: We are on the Homes Campus, which offers food, drinks, and indoor/outdoor workspaces. Our studio is a warehouse space in the back parking lot of this campus. We are near the exit of the additional parking for the campus; look for our signs!

Q: What if I have to miss a session?
A: You can use your open studio time practice session to make up your lesson with the on-staff instructor during open studio hours. We will schedule this make-up session after you notify us that you'll be missing class.

Q: Can I come in anytime to practice?

A: You can come in for one additional unguided practice session during each week you are in class. Open studio hours are Monday - Thursday, 11 AM - 6 PM. You do not have to notify us before stopping in, but please check in at the front desk!

Q: What is the structure of the class?

A: The first 15-30 minutes of class are reserved for a demo. Then, you will receive help from your instructor to try and complete the demo. In the last 20 minutes of class, students are asked to tidy up their stations.

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